Online Exclusives | Trio, Fivesome, Sixpacks & Galore More!

Enjoying RiceUP & can't get enough of our tasty and crunchy goodies? You want more to enjoy & share healthy snacking with others?
Well we got you covered. Check our our special Online Exclusive and Customised Ordering Service here! It goes to show we don't only reward your health and taste buds with great tasting healthy snacks, but your wallets too with great savings.
*Do consult your doctor or dietician if you are unsure before consuming RiceUP or replacing it with other dietary recommended food. Terms & Conditions apply and offers may vary by platforms. Do read our Terms and Return Policy to understand more.
RiceUP is available in major supermarkets, grocers & stores near you and are also available in our E-Store and E-Commerce platforms, Lazada and Shopee. Exclusive offers available and may vary by platforms.
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